Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set [AHPEQS] – July 2021
The DEC conducted a patient satisfaction survey aligned with AHPEQS in July 2021. This set of questions was developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and is based on the aspects of treatment and care that patients in Australian hospitals and healthcare services have told us are most important to them.
The DEC has adopted this questionnaire and the methodology to enable us to have a snapshot throughout the year of the feedback provided from our patients following their treatment with us.
51 patients were chosen at random to complete the 12-question survey. All patients completed the survey while sitting in final stage recovery, having recovered enough from their sedation to be discharged home.
This survey was conducted as part of the DEC’s ongoing commitment to evaluating our patient experiences to ensure we are delivering optimal care to our patients.
The list of questions and the results achieved were:
- My views and concerns were listened to: 48 always and 3 not applicable
- My individual needs were met: 51
- When a need could not be met, staff explained why: 22
- I felt cared for: 51
- I was involved as much as I wanted in making decisions about my treatment and care: 51
- I was kept informed as much as I wanted about my treatment and care: 51
- As far as I could tell, the staff involved in my care communicated with each other about my treatment: 47 always and 4 not applicable
- I received pain relief that met my needs: 14 always and 37 not applicable
- When I was in hospital, I felt confident in the safety of my treatment and care: 51
- I experienced unexpected harm or distress as a result of my treatment or care: 51 not applicable
- My harm or distress was discussed with me by staff: 51 not applicable
- Overall, the quality of the treatment and care I received was: very good 50, good 1, average 0, poor 0 or very poor 0