On March 20th and 21st, 2024, the Diagnostic Endoscopy Centre proudly achieved NSQHS accreditation (second edition) against the National Standards, marking a successful completion without any recommendations. We are thrilled to share this accomplishment with our community.
We extend our gratitude to our staff, clinical team, and patients for their contributions to our success and ongoing dedication as we persist in our mission to provide clinical excellence and optimal patient outcomes.

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Haemorrhoids (or piles) are enlargements of the blood vessels in and around the anal canal.

Haemorrhoids (or piles) are enlargements of the blood vessels in and around the anal canal. Although they can cause troublesome symptoms they are not usually dangerous.

Haemorroids can present as:

  • Bleeding
  • Pain/burning/itch
  • Lump

Haemorrhoids are very common and occur in 85% of the population but it is often necessary to exclude other causes of symptoms by performing a colonscopy.


Specific treatment of haemorrhoids includes:

  • Rubber Band Ligation (“Banding”)

Banding uses tiny rubber bands to strangulate the haemorrhoid so it drops off or shrinks away. The rubber band passes with stool in a week or so.

Some haemorrhoids are too large to be treated with the above methods and require surgery.

The Surgical management of haemorrhoids has improved with newer and less painful techniques.

It is recommended that if you have problems with haemorrhoids you:

  • Have a high fibre diet
  • Avoid straining at stool
  • Do not read while on the toilet

It must be remembered that other causes of symptoms such as bowel cancer should be excluded, especially in the presence of bleeding from the rectum.
